Accelerate revenue and increase wins with AI-powered data

With Resonate’s AI-driven consumer intelligence, you’ll know more about your advertiser’s target audience than they do, giving you an edge over the competition every single time. Using robust, relevant, privacy-safe data, Resonate helps media publishers and networks win every pitch, boost retention, and skyrocket ad revenue through deeper audience understanding.

Win more ad dollars with insights on any advertiser industry

Data-driven insights that today’s advertisers and agencies demand for high performance.

  • Win new business and grow ad revenue
    Win your pitches to advertisers by using rich data to show the value of your audiences.
  • Wow advertisers with granular audience targeting
    Empower advertisers with targeted audience intelligence that reaches the right audience on the right channel at the right time.
  • Attract audiences and boost engagement
    Enrich audiences to gain a full view into their psychographics, purchase intent and media consumption to drive ad sales and cross-channel engagement.
  • Position inventory for maximum revenue
    Gain deep insights on your audience to uncover what motivates them and how they like to consume media.

Greater visibility into website visitors

Ingest publisher website, campaign, or 1st-party data for essential insights that advertisers and agencies expect.

Enrich and maximize revenue

Append thousands of variables of Resonate data to your 1st-party database. Use for insights, targeting, and personalization in tools such as your CRM, CDP, data warehouse, BI, and more.

Boost efficiency and save resources

Embolden your team to access and analyze data with an industry-leading platform that’s easy to use, clear to understand, and optimized for efficiency.

Limitless data. Instant insights. Accelerated performance.

The AI-powered Resonate Ignite Platform transforms insights into action, accelerating marketing performance throughout the full customer lifecycle. The Ignite platform offers unparalleled consumer data and empowers research, insights, and segmentation for customer acquisition, growth, and retention.

Resonate boosts ROAS for advertisers and revenue for you

  • 80%
    Advertiser renewal rate
  • 50%
    Reduction in 3rd-party data costs
  • 72%
    Penetration of Resonate insights to existing advertisers