Ignite an AI-powered personalized marketing strategy

Drive business revenue, increase customer lifetime value (LTV), reduce churn, and optimize resources with Resonate’s comprehensive solutions designed for marketing professionals.

Personalized marketing solutions
to reach your goals with ease

Transform the future of your business with rich, person-level insights to better market to consumer wants and needs. Complement your in-place, 1st-party data to understand the whole human behind demographics.

  • Drive immense revenue
    Actionable data makes an impact. Fuel conversions and your bottom line with ever-evolving research.
  • Increase customer LTV
    Fill in problematic data gaps and improve modeling capabilities and decision-making.
    Spark loyal customer connections with a deeper understanding of trends that sway full-lifestyle decisions.
  • Cut through the churn and burn
    Gain insight into the human behind demographics to proactively uncover what is needed to prevent switching.
  • Increase your speed to insight
    Reveal the insights you need when you need them with customized research aligned to your near- and long-term goals.
  • Slash your data expenses
    Create a single source of truth for your entire team to leverage throughout your strategy and execution processes.
  • Lean on seasoned experts
    Others catch up. We lead. Lean on Resonate’s decades of experience to sharpen your team’s edge.

Take charge of your market

From broader macroeconomic factors to the current state of the market, prospects, customers, and competitors, Resonate’s AI-powered data solutions for marketers give you unparalleled attributes to create personalized marketing collateral.

Steer high-impact decisions

Deliver powerful insights to your broader team to support product, brand, web, acquisition, and loyalty decision-making. Conduct studies through the lens of 15K+ consumer attributes to steer strategy across channels, products and markets.

Elevate product innovation and development

Equip your team with data that supports segmentation, scoring, and assessment of media performance. Guide discussions around developing new products, solutions or experiences based on human-centered, AI-powered data and insights.

Understand the whole human with AI-powered data

  • 15K
    Precision-targeted consumer attributes to boost revenue
  • 250M
    Continuously updated profiles keep pace with the US consumer
  • 1B
    IDs to uncover where and how consumers engage