Close your data gaps

Fill in data blind spots with an unparalleled understanding of audiences that are relevant to your strategy. Gain rapid, personalized intelligence with unique Custom Attribute Models scaled to US consumers for insights and activation.

Predictive attribute modeling to anticipate the needs of consumers

Solidify your marketing strategy and your team’s efforts with Resonate’s all-in-one consumer intelligence solution. Experience the power of AI-driven, scaled research that keeps pace with change.

  • Get customized analytics
    Improve decision-making with access to strategic, actionable insights and custom analytics.
  • Understand consumer data
    Get everything you need to power personalized marketing that drives measurable results.
  • Improve and evolve
    Know what works and what doesn’t. Identify new opportunities across consumers to maximize your efforts.
  • Build upon your data
    Enrich your data using privacy-safe, comprehensive insights for more informed and precise decision-making.
  • Execute across all channels
    Directly integrate predictive data into your ecosystem without audience recreation or proxies.
  • View the largest US consumer study
    Dive into the largest consumer study on US consumers — proudly conducted by Resonate.

Timely & impactful

Make fast, impactful business decisions with Resonate’s custom data solution, delivered in weeks, not months.

More nuanced understanding

Replicate existing segments for a more comprehensive understanding of who they are, where to reach them, and why they buy.

Focus on high-value customers

Develop high-value segments for campaigns by activating your Custom Attributes Model across all digital channels.