The ultimate campaign demands unmatched data

Seamlessly target and engage consumers at scale across your digital advertising campaigns.

Our precision data fuels successful campaigns

Go beyond demographics to unlock a unique combination of intent, preferences, and psychographics across industries that power personalization and performance – including Retail, Apparel, Financial Services, Home, Food & Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Travel, Technology, Telecom, Automotive, Restaurants, Alcohol, Health & Pharma, and Politics & Advocacy.

  • Leverage 15K+ targetable attributes
    Uncover the data that helps you shape impactful media marketing and precision audience targeting.
  • Access proprietary data
    Conduct research with custom, contextual, behavioral, and look-alike modeling.
  • Gain cross-platform visibility
    Target audiences where they consume media, from video and social to native and TV inventories.
  • Create actionable reporting
    Access a personalized dashboard with media metrics and custom insights to guide your greatest decisions.
  • Quickly adapt to media changes
    Keep up with evolving media landscapes and algorithm updates. Test, iterate, and improve with ease.
  • Stay organized
    Manage multiple campaigns and find compelling data to bolster each, all in one place.

Simple media data integration

The Resonate Ignite Platform seamlessly integrates with social platforms, Demand Side Platforms (DSPs), and Data Management Platforms (DMPs), along with ad servers, media aggregators, and more.

Boost campaign effectiveness

Effective campaigns save time and spend. With the power of over 15K+ targetable attributes at your team’s disposal, effectively target audiences that are more likely to engage with your campaigns.

Unwavering, expert-level support

Achieve clarity and keep performance benchmarks high. Continuously test and iterate on your campaign strategies, leveraging the most up-to-date AI-powered data.

Resonate fuels insights for leading media professionals

  • 15K
    Precise consumer attributes to inform your campaign strategies and decisions
  • 250M
    Extensive profiles to better align you with consumer wants and needs
  • 1B
    IDs to be considered in an omnichannel campaign strategy

The future is personalized — and profitable