Supercharge your models with more powerful data

Resonate Embeddings offers a privacy-focused 90-day digital footprint of US consumers’ online behavior that predicts thousands of future intent signals across industries, giving you stronger models that empowers you to reach the right customers and increase revenue.

Resonate embeddings to power your consumer-based models

Resonate embeddings can be used in your consumer-based models such as:

  • New customer acquisition models
    Predict the likelihood or probability that a given individual will become a new customer.
  • Churn models
    Build more precise predictive models for customer churn to identify at-risk customers.
  • Customer lifetime value models
    Better predict which of your customer segments will be of high value to your business.
  • Next best action models
    Predict the likelihood of different actions a customer might take in the future to maximize positive outcomes.
  • New attribute models
    Predict missing customer information in a CRM based on data about other customers, such as past purchases, interactions, and more.

Fast and easy

Send Resonate your data via Snowflake, Box, or AWS. Resonate Embeddings will be appended to your file and sent back in 10-15 business days.

Refreshed monthly

Receive monthly refreshes of targetable IDs and optional quarterly Resonate Embeddings updates.