The Times is Out, YouTube is In: Gen Z Shifts Towards an Unexpected Source for News

Did you know that, according to the June 2024 Resonate Consumer Trends Report, more American consumers say they trust YouTube as a news source than the more traditional—and more venerated—New York Times 

In fact, from that same list, YouTube ranks higher than not just the Times, but also NPR, MSNBC, and The Washington Post. YouTube isn’t even an outlet that immediately springs to mind for most people when they think about news sources. So what’s going on here? 

Using rAI, the Resonate AI-powered data engine, we analyzed the consumer audience who says YouTube is their most trusted source of news and found that over half—54%, to be exact—are Millennials and Gen Z. In contrast, 60% of the audience that prefers the Times is made up of their older counterparts: Baby Boomers and Gen X.  

This information shows a major shift in where younger generations are going when it comes to getting their news. Resonate, with its ability to produce unparalleled AI-powered insights that keep a pulse on the consumer in real time, can help you adjust your marketing campaigns to this shift and develop more personalized copy and messaging to better target Millennials and Gen Z. 

In this article, we’ll take a deeper dive into the consumers who turn to YouTube for news and learn more about who they are, where you can find them, and what rAI can do for marketers. 

Who Are These Consumers? 

Resonate goes beyond simple demographics to get at the Human Element of a group of consumers—in this case, the Americans who prefer YouTube as a news source over the New York Times. Our AI-powered data engine will empower you to understand who an audience is—what their motivations, values, and preferences are—and why they make certain purchasing decisions. Let’s take a look at the YouTube-watching consumers. 

According to rAI, this group highly values having authority over others, acquiring wealth and influence, and conformity. This information suggests using themes of confidence, respect towards others, and prestige and prosperity in your creative and messaging would help you effectively target this audience.  

When it comes to brands, Shein, Walmart, Chuck-E-Cheese, and Circle K are all favorites among this audience: 

As you can see from the data, many of this audience’s purchases are at budget-friendly companies in all areas, from food to clothing to travel. This makes sense in keeping with the fact that many of them are just starting out in their careers or might be in some form of higher education. Interestingly, this audience demonstrates significant optimism about their financial futures: They’re 2x more likely than the average consumer to believe that their finances will improve in the next six months. Furthermore—and this is good news for marketers—they’re not as concerned about online privacy as some of their counterparts and are willing to share personal information with companies under certain conditions, such as receiving more personalized product recommendations and shopping experiences tailored to their individual needs.

A key takeaway here for marketers: Personalization will go a long way towards winning this audience over and is worth the additional effort.

Where You Can Find Gen Z & Millennials Who Prefer YouTube

Gen Z in particular is strongly associated with social media, and rAI backs that up in the case of this group of consumers as well. A significant 53% of this audience spends 20 to 40 hours a week—or even more—online. Take a look at the data below to learn more about which social media networks and streaming services they spend their time on, their favorite apps by category, and their top streaming devices :

With this highly detailed information—all of which can be found in the Resonate Ignite Platform—you can better target this audience and ensure you’re reaching them everywhere they are.

Consumers these days are full of surprises—and you need the right tools to make the best data-driven decisions. Find out how Resonate will empower you to create smarter marketing strategies. Schedule a demo today.


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