How to Achieve a Gold Medal in Summer Olympics 2024 Marketing

The 2024 Summer Olympics are set to take place in Paris starting in late July, and millions of people around the world are preparing to tune in and watch athletes representing 206 countries compete in 40 different sports. This exclusive event is a tremendous opportunity for businesses—both in terms of raising brand awareness and profits.

Crafting a message that stands out among the myriad Olympics-related advertisements can be a challenge, and that’s where Resonate comes in. The Resonate Ignite Platform is a purpose-built, end-to-end solution designed for brands and agencies and powered by our proprietary AI data engine, rAI. Resonate gives you insights into the why behind consumer decision-making so you can better understand and target your intended audiences, successfully activate across all media channels, and ensure that your business produces a marketing campaign that’s worthy of a gold medal.

Let’s take a look at some of the deep insights rAI can offer into fans of the Paris Olympics 2024.

Where Can You Find Summer Olympics Fans?

So, where are fans of the Summer Olympics consuming media, and what are they interested in? Resonate AI-powered data reveals members of this audience are likely to stay informed about current events and issues through mainstream news channels like NBC and ABC. They also engage with local news programs and may have a preference for liberal-leaning news sources like CNN. Furthermore, individuals in this audience have a keen interest in home improvement and gardening content. They regularly watch HGTV to stay updated on trends and tips related to real estate and gardening. This is incredibly information to have when you’re deciding which channels and websites to purchase advertising space on.

Which Brands Do They Prefer?

Resonate’s AI-powered data engine has a wealth of information about the brands Summer Olympics fans tend to prefer, providing you not only with insights into the kinds of purchases they often make, but also into who your competitors are.

The top retailers for Summer Olympics fans include Macy’s, Trader Joe’s, and Kohl’s:

Their favorite apparel brands include Clarks, Lululemon, and Ralph Lauren:

And since summer is a major travel season, it’s crucial to know which hotels they’re staying at and which airlines they fly so you can plan your marketing accordingly.

Here are the top hotels Summer Olympics fans stay at:

And here are the top airlines they choose to get there: 

What Are Summer Olympics Fans Snacking On? 

And of course, it wouldn’t be a sporting event without snacks and drinks—including alcoholic beverages! Resonate offers a holistic view of consumers, including what they reach for when they’re feeling peckish.

According to rAI, Summer Olympics fans are a relatively health-conscious lot. While they enjoy alcoholic beverages and snacks, this group prefers healthier snack options like nuts or seeds and incorporating juice into their diet. They may also avoid sugary or carbonated drinks in favor of plain water. Here’s a quick snapshot of their snack preferences:

And when it comes to alcohol, this audience consists of wine enthusiasts who appreciate different varieties and styles of wine, prioritize flavor profiles, value wine regions, rely on brand reputation, and heavily consider store promotions and discounts when making purchasing decisions.


Resonate offers 1,500 pre-built segments so that you can instantly target across all channels, helping you:

  • Increase campaign performance: Access pre-built audiences that are recent and actionable, enabling you to predict tomorrow’s behaviors based on today’s actions
  • Better personalization: Target beyond standard demographics using unique in-market signals to connect with ready-to-engage consumers
  • A quick and easy process: Gain instant, permanent access to these segments and pay for usage directly in your activation platform

Looking for even more personalized targeting? Resonate can create Custom Audiences leveraging 14,000+ attributes, including a robust set of preferences and psychographics to pair with in-market signals. Reach out to schedule a demo today! 

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