As online shopping becomes increasingly popular and convenient with the growth of mobile retail apps, retailers are struggling to maintain foot traffic in their brick and mortar stores and drive sales. Today’s consumers are looking for personalized shopping experiences and are rejecting the standard store layouts as a thing of the past. As previously noted, consumers’ values and motivators around retail are constantly evolving and they expect their shopping experiences to reflect these changes.
For marketers this means tapping into an individual’s wants, needs, and values. Marketers need to gain a full understanding of their customers – past, present, and future – in order to reach their buyers both online and offline with the correct messaging and targeting.
But simply understanding those customer needs in order to better inform messaging and targeting strategies isn’t enough to guarantee in-store sales. Here at Resonate we take the process a step further and show marketers how effective their digital ad campaigns are at driving foot traffic and revenue into their stores.
How you might ask? With our data-driven offline attribution solution, powered by Placed, we provide marketers with the best “digital to in-store” performance measurement possible.
Here’s how it works:
- First we identify who a brand’s core customers are using our proprietary data and insights tools and we define these as target segments to activate on using our using our 7000+ attributes including shopping behaviors, media consumption habits, values, motivations and purchase drivers
- We then work with marketers to develop custom creative messaging and deliver digital media to these customer segments
- Finally, with our offline attribution solution, we measure lift between digital ad exposure and in-store visits and sales revenue to further validate and refine the audience targets based on offline insights from the campaign
So what’s the benefit?
At a time when marketers are having to do more with less and stores are struggling to get customer buying in their stores, it’s more important than ever that digital campaigns are reaching the right customers and driving revenue.
Resonate’s solution is a game changer and prevents marketers from wasting marketing dollars on the wrong strategies and messaging and relying on ineffective metrics such as CTR and CPA to measure the offline ROAS of their campaigns. With the power of our data-driven offline attribution solution, marketers can now measure from start to finish how effective their digital campaigns are at re-engaging shoppers with the right message at the right time to drive them into stores and motivate them to buy in-store.
The end result is less wasted ad spend and higher ROI at a time when brick and mortar stores need it most. We’re here to help you. Get in touch today.