Connect with Over 39M Tobacco Consumers

With thick layers of regulatory scrutiny, a limited selection of communication channels and a dearth of data to make informed decisions, the stakes for executing the wrong tobacco product marketing strategy are high.  

Fortunately, there is a new solution for tobacco brands to understand, address and measure the success of their efforts to engage with U.S. adult tobacco consumers while confidently adhering to marketing principles and federal government compliance requirements.  

Understanding the Adult Tobacco Consumer Population At Scale 

In 2017, Resonate launched the most extensive consumer tobacco study of its kind, defining the adult tobacco consumer population on an individual, anonymized basis across 10,000 traits that describe not only who they are, but what drives their everyday decisions. This proprietary understanding includes tobacco usage traits such as:

  • Smoking Habits 
  • Smoking History 
  • Tobacco Products Used 
  • Cigarette Brand Preference 
  • Cigarette Brand Selection Criteria 
  • Cigarette Brand Switching Consideration 
  • Innovative Product Usage 
  • Innovative Product Consideration 
  • Innovative Product Selection Criteria 

How Did We Do It? 

Resonate operates the largest long-form survey of online adult consumers in the U.S. We maintain 200,000 age-gated responses in our platform and marry responses with individual web content browsing history to form our “ground truth.” Resonate achieves scale by training models that project our primary research to the online population. 

The result is the most accurate, up-to-date understanding of the U.S. adult population that brands use for research, consumer insights, segmentation, media activation and measurement across digital touchpoints.  

What Did We Learn? 

Our survey projects an estimated 39.2 million U.S. adult tobacco consumers, primarily made up of men age 25-34, who enjoy expressing their individuality and value harmony and humility: 

Tobacco Users Snapshot
When it comes to brand preference, taste and experience are the most important factors for cigarette smokers, followed by price and coupons: 

Cigarette Brand Preferences

Only 36% have considered switching to e-cigarettes, suggesting an opportunity for product trial among these smokers: 

Considered e-cigarette

When it comes to their digital media consumption habits, 33% of tobacco consumers clock in 20-40 hours online per week:  

Tobacco Users Media Consumption

How Can Tobacco Brands Use Resonate? 

For the first time, tobacco marketers can leverage the same dataset and single view of U.S. adults for end-to-end insights to action: 

  • Consumer Insights: Who are the right people for my brand?  
  • Brand Personas: What do they care about? 
  • Creative and Copy Design: What should my brand say to them? 
  • Campaign Tactics: How do I efficiently segment adult tobacco consumers into retention, competitive conquesting and innovative product segments and apply the right creative to segments?  
  • Media Execution: What websites are they visiting and how can I expand my site whitelist to achieve more scale? 
  • Audience Analysis: How well am I executing against my strategy? 

Want to see the many more insights on today’s tobacco consumer in the Resonate Platform? We’d be happy to show you more 

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Hundreds of consumer brands, ad agencies, and political and advocacy organizations are using Resonate’s consumer insights to make better connections with their customers and yours. Don’t let your competition get ahead.

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