Resonate’s real-time, granular consumer insights show that Budweiser’s latest ad has a good shot with vaccine-hesitant Americans
Budweiser is bringing back their iconic puppy and Clydesdale duo to encourage Americans to get vaccinated so they, too, can reunite with friends. So, will it work? Let’s look at an audience of vaccine-hesitant Americans (those who are slightly or moderately likely to get the vaccine). The AI-driven Resonate Ignite Platform™ shows which elements of the “reunite with buds” campaign are likely to resonate based on the preferences of the ad’s target audience.
Do vaccine-hesitant Americans like beer? How about Budweiser?
About half of vaccine-hesitant Ameircans drink beer, and about 1 in 5 drink Budweiser or Bud Light.

Source: The Resonate Ignite Platform™

Source: The Resonate Ignite Platform™

Source: The Resonate Ignite Platform™
Will deals and promotions pull in vaccine-hesitant Americans?
Store promotions don’t have a large impact on these Americans’ beer selection, but nearly half of them use coupons when shopping in general.

Source: The Resonate Ignite Platform™
Are vaccine-hesitant Americans puppy lovers?
I mean, who could resist that pup. But while we’re looking: about half of vaccine-hesitant Americans have a dog, and they’re 26% more likely than the average American to be planning to adopt a pet in the next year. They’re also slightly more likely to watch animal videos online.

Source: the Resonate Ignite Platform™

Source: The Resonate Ignite Platform™
What else could persuade vaccine-hesitant Americans?
Through our continuous national surveys and cutting-edge machine learning, we’re able to tell you a lot more about folks who have indicated they’re not fully onboard with getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Curious? Download our Moving the Needle report to find out their demographics, core values, and media diet, plus five tips for reaching this persuadable audience.
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