Amazon Prime Day Data: How to Target Savvy Shoppers This Year

Amazon Prime Day is just around the corner! This annual event has become a huge shopping day for US consumers, many of whom wait for sales holidays to make purchases.

As you gear up your Prime Day marketing campaigns, remember that one of the best ways to gain an advantage over the competition is to demonstrate that you know your customers better than anyone else. Not only will this ensure you create messaging and copy that resonate with consumers, but it will also empower you to more selectively and effectively target the right audiences.

Resonate has been the leader in cookie-free, privacy-safe, AI-powered data for over a decade. The Resonate Ignite Platform and AI-powered data engine, rAI, are purpose-built for brands and agencies that are looking to target consumers with a level of precision and understanding that ensures their Prime Day marketing campaigns are nothing short of a complete success.

The Resonate Ignite Platform has the capability to build custom audiences about any consumers with any number of behaviors, values, and motivations so you understand why Americans make the decisions they do. That includes Prime Day audiences. Let’s take a look below at some of the information rAI revealed about Prime Day shoppers—as well as some tips on how to use the data to level up your marketing campaign.

Who Are the Prime Day Shoppers?

The shoppers in this segment are consumers who typically hold off on purchasing particular products until Prime Day. They are mostly female—56%—and 45% of them are employed full time.

They’re athletic, like to eat healthy, and enjoy watching women’s sports online, on television, or even by going to games. In their daily lives, they try to limit calories, fats, and salt in their diets, buy food based on its nutritional value, and view athletic accomplishments highly.

This positive view of athletic accomplishments falls in line with a top personal value for Prime Day Shoppers: achievement. These individuals seek success and the admiration of other people for being successful. Furthermore, rAI suggests ambitiousness and determination may be distinguishing attributes of many of the members of this audience. For them, life is about getting ahead, winning and impressing others.

Extra Tip: You can use these themes of wanting to be admired, appreciated, successful, and acknowledged in your creative and messaging to appeal to a core value held by many Prime Day Shoppers.

Where Should You Activate Messaging for Prime Day Shoppers?

Prime Day Shoppers are most heavily engaged on social media, rAI reveals: 76% of them are on Facebook, 66% use YouTube regularly, 58% are on Instagram, and 37% are on Pinterest. Their top paid streaming subscriptions include Discovery+, Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, and Peacock.

Extra Tip: You can use information about streaming subscriptions and social media to make informed decisions about where you buy advertising space for your marketing campaigns.

What Are the Prime Day Shoppers’ Buying Behaviors?

When this audience goes shopping, their top retailers include Kohl’s, Target, Costco, Best Buy, Urban Outfitters, Banana Republic, and Zara. In the past year, 45% downloaded an app made by a company they shop at to their phone or table, and 30% still use a brand’s website as a source of information when they’re researching purchases.

Additionally, rAI reveals 40% are more likely to buy from a company that supports or promotes mental health awareness and resources, and 30% are more likely to shop with a business that supports or promotes advocacy for women’s rights or gender equality.

Interestingly, despite waiting for the Amazon-sponsored shopping holiday, this group of consumers doesn’t purchase baby products from online stores like Amazon. Additionally, 20% indicated they’re planning to purchase health and beauty products from Walmart, while 14% indicated they’ll buy these products from Target. Walmart and Target are two major retailers the majority of this segment shops with: 77% have shopped with Walmart in the past, while 56% shopped with Target.

rAI also had information about this audience’s purchase drivers: 27% consider an accommodating return policy an important characteristic when choosing stores to shop at, 17% consider loyalty programs an important consideration, and 15% consider a fast, responsive customer service an important characteristic when choosing stores to shop at.

Extra Tip: These purchase drivers signal important characteristics to emphasize about your brand (or, if you’re an agency, your client) in your marketing campaigns.

Learn how you can start using Resonate data to inform your marketing campaigns year round. Get started by scheduling a chat with a data expert today!

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