- Ad agencies are facing new competition from consulting firms offering the same kind of creative services
- Growth of in-house shops as brands leave agencies
- Smaller, more agile shops successfully taking over major brands
- Calls for more trust and transparency from agencies are getting louder
Resonate had served as a full-service ad agency’s managed media business—they defined the consumers they wanted to reach, we tapped into our platform, our media surveying technologies and our media buying expertise to run campaigns for the agency. But they wanted something that would make them even more competitive and they wanted to use our tool for more of their clients
Based on the media performance we delivered, the agency decided to in-source the Resonate tool. They were able to:
- Develop their own consumer insights competency
- Become a more competitive agency as the industry goes through a major data-driven transformation
- Expand the platform’s use to include more clients