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How to Successfully Target the Wellness-Seeking Consumers

March 05, 2025
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How to Successfully Target the Wellness-Seeking Consumers

More Americans are focused on being well than ever. And businesses have responded to this trend with gusto. There are more apps, products, and companies focused on monitoring health and contributing to “whole-body” health than ever before. Entire niche industries, including “wellness tourism,” have sprung up around this concept. In short, wellness is huge. 

Using the AI-powered data engine, rAI, we’ve identified over 114M Wellness-Seeking Consumers, US adults who are particularly focused on being well and staying healthy. Here, we’ll take a deep dive into who the Wellness-Seeking Consumers are as shoppers—one of the audiences featured in the Resonate 2025 State of the Consumer Report. You’ll learn about their consumer behaviors, where to find them online, and how to successfully reach them. 

Who Are the Wellness-Seeking Consumers? 

The Wellness-Seeking Consumers skew more female than male: 57% of this segment is made up of women. Aside from gender, this audience is pretty evenly spread out across other demographics like age (the biggest groups are made up of 35–44-year-olds (19%) and seniors who are 65+ (21%), but they’re not bigger by much) and even household income, although 32% make $100K or more per year.  

Regardless of age, the Wellness-Seeking Consumers are spending at least some of their income on holidays, special events, and exciting occasions, like an upcoming trip.   

Occasions to Shop For: 

  • 82% Christmas/winter holidays 
  • 69% celebrating other people (ex. birthdays) 
  • 52% going on vacation 
  • 36% summer fun 
  • 36% celebrating myself 
  • 32% Valentine’s Day 

What Are the Wellness Seekers Consumer Behaviors? 

As consumers, Wellness Seekers look for products they find rewarding, innovative, and unique; factors like whether something is popular or if it saves them time tend to be of less concern to them. Notably, what’s most important to the Wellness-Seeking Consumers is price. This is true for them both when they’re deciding which products to buy and which retailers to shop at. 

Top 3 Primary Influences on Purchases:

  • Price (46%) 
  • Brand (40%) 
  • Convenience (15%) 

Retailer Selection Traits: 

  • Best price/sales (77%) 
  • Convenient locations (49%) 
  • Larger product selection (45%) 

According to the Resonate AI-powered data engine, in fact, price is so important to the Wellness-Seeking Consumers, they’re willing to inconvenience themselves, buy a product that doesn’t necessarily save them much time, or deal with imperfect staff if it means they’re saving money. Take a look at how much less they care about other retailer selection traits that have nothing to do with price: 

  • Easy return policy (22%) 
  • Enjoyable/clean stores (27%) 
  • Fast/responsive staff (15%) 
  • Friendly/helpful staff (21%) 
  • Knowledgeable staff (9%) 

So, what does this mean for brand loyalty programs? While you might think a price-conscious consumer would participate in such programs far less than the average American, that’s not the case for Wellness Seekers. They’re no more or less inclined to be brand loyalty program participants than the average US adult. 

What Are the Wellness-Seeking Consumers’ Shopper Behaviors? 

In keeping with their price-driven consumer behaviors, the Wellness Seekers both clip coupons and keep the impulse shopping to a minimum: 46% use a pre-written list when they shop, and 45% use coupons to save money. They’re also big-time online shoppers—64% do their shopping on the Internet. This is more than either of the two other audience segments featured in the 2025 State of the Consumer, including the tech-forward Always-On Gamers. 

3 Ways to Reach the Wellness-Seeking Consumers 

The Wellness-Seeking Consumers are most heavily engaged on streaming platforms, Internet video sites, and with traditional television. While they use social media frequently—55% are online 20 or more hours each week—65% are only lightly engaged with these platforms.  

To learn more about this and two other audiences expected to play a major role in the market this year, read the Resonate 2025 State of the Consumer Report  

Insights to Impact 

Here’s how you can use Resonate’s high-performance data and the Resonate Ignite Platform to acquire, grow, and retain Wellness-Seeking Consumers throughout the full customer lifecycle. 

Resonate’s high-performance consumer data and insights align with your business goals across the acquisition, retention, and growth phases and empower you to deliver a measurable impact on KPIs like ROAS, revenue, churn and CLV. To see the Resonate difference for yourself, reach out to one of our data experts today.