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The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

April 01, 2021
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The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

Take Me Out to the New Ball Game Experience: Crucial CX Insights for MLB

Major League Baseball stadium gates are opening to fans across the country today, at varying capacities. From touchless condiment dispensers to pod ticketing, each franchise is sporting COVID-era changes to the MLB fan experience. Figuring out safer ways to welcome fans back has taken a lot of creativity and of course, data. Beyond figuring out the safest experience, franchise owners had to figure out what fans are looking for — what precautions will make them feel comfortable? What kind of retailers would they like to see? Our real-time, granular data tells all.

Take (some of us) out to the crowd

12% of MLB fans indicate they will immediately feel safe going to crowded events involving thousands of people, once state restrictions are lifted.

We defined this audience in the Resonate Ignite Platform™ as U.S. adults who consider themselves MLB fans, and/or have attended or watched an MLB game recently. That’s about 9.4% of the U.S. online adult population or ~21 million people. These are the folks most likely to be lining up at ticket stiles six feet apart today.

Meet the MLB Returners

Resonate | The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

Source: the Resonate Ignite Platform™

As the season progresses and the vaccine needle gets moved, this segment of MLB Returners will grow, but for now, stadium experience curators must cater to the preferences of these fans to keep them coming back.

Let’s see what the Resonate Ignite Platform™ tells us these fans might be looking for.

Buy me some (local) peanuts and energy-efficient merch

Compared to the average MLB fan, MLB Returners are 15% more likely to select independent or locally owned as most important when choosing to shop at one store versus another and 12% more likely to prefer energy-efficient products. Consider emphasizing local vendors and sustainable merchandise.

Resonate | The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

Source: the Resonate Ignite Platform™


What’s driving returning MLB fans’ shopping decisions?

MLB Returners are 31% more likely than the average MLB fan to be motivated by the personal value of acquiring wealth and influence, when considering which retailers to shop at. By composition, their top three influences are:

  1. 42% safety in one’s self and family
  2. 39% enjoying life’s pleasures
  3. 26% having the freedom to determine one’s own actions

What do returning MLB fans look for when selecting a retailer?

Looking at this audiences’ retail selection preferences, you can infer ball game experience details they may appreciate. Here’s how they rank retailer characteristics, compared to the baseline of all MLB fans.

Resonate | The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

Source: the Resonate Ignite Platform™

They’re 17% more likely than average MLB fan to rank customer service as most important and 18% more likely to appreciate knowledgeable sales staff. Also, 54% of them use coupons — consider emphasizing these elements in ticketing.

Resonate | The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

Source: the Resonate Ignite Platform™


Some fans thought they’d never get back

10% of all MLB fans indicated they would never feel comfortable returning to crowded activities with thousands of people. Here’s what fans require to feel comfortable returning to activities like baseball games:

Resonate | The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

Source: the Resonate Ignite Platform™


Root, root, root for the customer

As any baseball fan will tell you, the game experience is about so much more than the sport, the concessions, and the merch — it’s about good old-fashioned vibes. It may be harder to nail down than a merchandising strategy, but a values-driven approach to customer experience curation can be the real ketchup (or mustard, for Cubs fans) cherry on top of the hot dog. Keep the values of MLB Returners in mind as you welcome them back:

The top personal values of returning MLB fans

Resonate | The Stadium Experience Returning MLB Fans are Looking for

Source: the Resonate Ignite Platform™


Get the freshest, deepest, most actionable insights on MLB fans

Americans’ media diets, preferences, and opinions are always changing – especially in the face of pandemic-era disruption. Fresh, granular data like the above is crucial to keeping up with what consumers are thinking, buying, and doing. It’s your ticket to a winning, lucrative customer experience.

The AI-driven Resonate Ignite Platform™ reveals 13,000+ real-time insights on your target audience – down to their behaviors, motivations, values, and anxieties – that are actionable on day one. Enrich your existing customer data with our deep insights for a highly personalized, 360-degree view of the people you need to reach.

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