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[Infographic]: How to Connect With Today’s Personal Values Shopper

November 21, 2019
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[Infographic]: How to Connect With Today’s Personal Values Shopper

Consumers today are faced with choice overload, and new factors are impacting the buying decisions and shopping behaviors of the modern shopper every day. Everything from a company’s charity donations to their online reviews influences a consumer’s decision about who they’ll do business with. How can your business leverage these factors to gain a competitive edge?

Harnessing powerful consumer intelligence about who these shoppers are will help brands and retailers build more resonant products and services, create more compelling creative and develop personalized experiences. We analyzed four kinds of shoppers in Resonate’s consumer intelligence platform, and below is an in-depth look at one of those four audiences—the personal values shopper.

Resonate’s insights on personal values are based on the Theory of Basic Human Values by professor Shalom H. Schwartz. He identified 19 personal values that are vital to predicting purchasing behaviors. They’re organized into four main categories: Openness to change, self-transendence, self-enhancement, conservation.

Learn more about these four types of consumers and how their personal values affect their purchase decisions. Click here to see the full infographic.

Resonate Consumer Behavior Infographic – Personal Values Shoppers