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Farm To Table Data For YUMMY Marketing

November 17, 2016
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Farm To Table Data For YUMMY Marketing

One of the more exciting transitions in dining over the last several years has been the development of the Farm to Table restaurant scene. We can thank the Michael Pollan’s book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”, for kick starting the movement of consumers wondering about how their food is produced.

Farm to Table is a growing trend because of a general move towards transparency. Per Wikipedia, (and feel free to find your own source) Farm to Table is defined as: a focus on local farms, food safety, freshness/seasonality, nutritional quality, GMOs, and the production process.

It’s exciting, and it’s fresh. The premise is easy to grasp:


Unfortunately, it’s also often a fable. Caveat Emptor still rules the day.

Btw- I’ve eaten at Pizzeria Gregario many times, and it is fantastic.

For Brands, buying 3rd party data for targeting, measurement, and personalization is often like going to your favorite restaurant (Chez DMP Ala DSP) and looking over the menu to try and find the dish that is going to make your marketing “yummy”. It’s hard though, because at some of these establishments the menu could include 150,000+ audience segments of unknown provenance for your consumption.  And unfortunately, regardless of whatever the data label says, you really don’t know how that data is made, and what you are truly buying.

Let’s focus on the key descriptions from above, and on how we make our marketing Yummy:

Data Source: You should know the Farm you are buying from.  If it’s not homemade, you should know who is making it, and how.

Data Freshness: You should be able to tell if this segment is 30/60/90 days old, and decide if you really want to order that two week old fish.

Data Safety: Is it collected, aggregated, and developed in accordance with DAA or NAI principles?

Data Nutritional Quality: Does the data do what you need to energize your campaign? Or is it empty calories and wasted spend?

Data GMO’s: What’s being added to the data? Is the segment pure “Auto Intenders”, or does it include people who read an article on new cars?

Data Preparation: How is the sausage made?  Does your vendor provide you with a clear description of Farm to Table from deterministic/probabilistic matching, how they model and the rigor they use, and whether any fillers are being used?  Are they delivering via the onboarding process what you should be buying?

At Resonate, we are focused on providing an authentic approach to having great engagements with your customers. We are a Farm to Table experience, and we’ve built our platform to enable you to see all of the data that we have grown and made from scratch, and allow you to link it with your own ingredients as needed.

Resonate has pioneered an approach to building data assets over the last 8 years that leverages a transparent methodology – we ask consumers directly (over 200K) six times per year what matters to them and we observe and contextually analyze about 15B consumer actions per day. We let you create yummy marketing with confidence and trust in our data supply.

Click here to learn how Resonate’s data and insights can help make your marketing Yummy!

About the Author: Jonathan Ricard is Senior Vice President of Business Development at Resonate